
Simba, the prairie dog

Look Ma, one of each color!

Petey goes bye-bye

Birthday stash!

Black Friday shopping

Third time's the charm - too late

Thanksgiving yums

Knit craze

Halloween Christmas

Roughing it

Halloween exchange

Halloween for Max

My pretty girl

Wine party

Miss Maddy

Favorite thing in the world (currently)

Bye Herbie, Hello Maddy

Knitting needle case

Herbie the love bug

Mailart received

Ahhh, finally organized

New York friends & family

LRR Reunion picnic

Longest vet visit EVER

Mailart round 2

Take me out to the ballgame

Too many consoles, so little time

Annual stitching weekend

Howling house alarm

Harper foster

Arfing maniac

Gaming fatigue?

The Joy of Ebay

Love Me Not

Everyone's doing it!