Always an adventure!

So this is a "catch-up" blog entry since I was really bad about blogging for the last 6 months.

We foster for our local lab rescue and we've been fostering for about 8-9 years now.  After we adopted Pete, we tried to foster for a while but Pete had so many various issues we had to stop so we could concentrate on Pete only.

Pete has gotten so much better and sometimes he really looks like he wants someone to play with.  Max doesn't play with Pete so we thought fostering would be good for all of us again.  So at the end of November 2009, we got Coco, a little petite chocolate lab.

Coco was an owner-giveup to LRR because the woman was having back surgery and the man was going to be overseas for a while.  She's a little petite cute girl that LOVES people.  She's definitely more a people dog than a dog's dog.  She'll follow us around the house and just sit next to us waiting for belly rubs.  She loves to sleep on the couch, especially on her back, or lay on top of you given the chance. 

Coco loves to rips apart stuffed toys but unfortunately she eats the stuffing and fabric so we had to give her rubber toys instead. Coco had such a love of fabric that one morning she must have grabbed a pair of my underwear and eaten it while we were getting ready for work!  Neither of us noticed at all but then all of a sudden she started getting really sick. She couldn't hold down any food and she was in distress.  Mike and I had no idea what was going on and talked to our rescue director and gave her little bits of rice/chicken and water.  For one night (5pm to about 5am) we were really worried.  We kept an close eye on her and didn't sleep while we waited for her to get better or else take her to the vet.  By the morning she was fine and we didn't know what the heck was going on!

During that evening's walk, Coco finally pooped and when I went to clean it up I realized that she had pooped out one of my underwear!!  I cannot BELIEVE she passed that through her system without surgery.

Needless to say we find the situation a bit humorous now but it was definitely one of those "Oh my god" moments.  After that she was completely fine and had no issues at all.  She moved to other foster homes and was quickly adopted which wasn't surprising since she was such a great easy foster dog.

We were also very surprised at how well Pete behaved with Coco.  Coco was with us for 4 weeks and Pete did fine the entire time so we decided to continue fostering.
