For the last couple of months, I seem to have lost my needlecrafting mojo. I would put a cross-stitch WIP on my stand and after only a few days I'd lose the urge to stitch on it so I'd put it away. It was the same for my knitting, I could only do a couple of rows before I would completely lose interest. Even looking through my kitted projects, nothing caught my interest. I have been lusting after Celtic Banner by Butternut Road but I didn't own it. Thanks to some gentle nudging by Sue, I caved and finally bought it and the materials for it. As soon as I got all my materials, I put it on my stand. FINALLY my mojo came back! I LOVE LOVE working on this project. It's gonna take me a while to complete it, but I really enjoy working on it and when I'm not working on it I want to work on it. That's always a good sign. And to top it off I've started stitching Jen's fourth pair of socks (for her 2007 Christmas present) and I'm enjoying that project too.
I've completed my first felted project (a purse) and I'm quite pleased at how it turned out. It's a very simple pattern called a Booga Bag, basically knitting in the round. I originally bought the skeins of yarn to make a scarf but after knitting a part of the scarf, I realized how itchy the fibers were and put them aside until I realized I could use them to felt a bag. The knitting went really fast since it was pretty mindless. After finishing the bag and icord (aka handles for the bag), it sat around for a while until I finally got around to felting the bag. After felting it sat around again while I figured out how I wanted to finish the purse since I didn't want to just assemble it the way it was.
I bought some metal feet, grommets for the handles, metallic clasp to close the bag, and plastic mesh to stabilize the bottom of the bag. I also lined the bag since I thought it would look nicer than just the interior felting. It came together quite well, hopefully my mom will like the bag.
With the way you're cruising on Celtic Banner, it won't be too long before you finish it! It's preeeeetty!
And the bag looks great! Your mum will love it I am sure.